Home Events Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (IPC for CFSP/CSDP)

The Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (IPC for CFSP/CSDP) is organised on the basis of Art. 10 of Protocol No 1 attached to the basic EU treaties, which provides for the establishment of forums for discussing issues of the common foreign and security policy and the common security and defence policy under the COSAC conference (Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union). The topics were formerly discussed at meetings of chairpersons of foreign affairs and defence committees of national parliaments, titled COFAC (Conference of Foreign Affairs Committee Chairpersons) and CODACC (Conference of Defence Affairs Committee Chairpersons). Those forums were replaced in 2011 with a platform for regular inter-parliamentary cooperation, established on the basis of a decision adopted at the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments held in Brussels (and subsequently in Warsaw in 2012). The purpose of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference for CFSP/CSDP is to provide national parliaments and the European Parliament (EP) with a framework for exchanging information and good practice in CFSP and CSDP and to enable them to be fully informed so that they can play their appropriate roles in this policy area. The Inter-Parliamentary Conference for CFSP/CSDP meets twice a year in the presidency country and it is attended by members of the relevant committees of the EU Member State parliaments and of the EP, i.e. mainly foreign affairs committees and defence committees. The operation of the conference is governed by the Rules of Procedure adopted in 2012 at the meeting in Cyprus and revised in 2014 at the meeting in Rome.

As regards the number of members in national parliament and EP delegations, the Rules of Procedure enable the EP to nominate up to sixteen members, EU national parliaments may be represented by six members (in the case of two-chamber parliaments this is a total for both chambers). The Conference uses consensus to adopt non-binding conclusions proposed by the presidency parliament.

The Inter-Parliamentary Conference for CFSP/CSDP is chaired jointly by chairpersons of the relevant committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in close cooperation with the EP.


  • September 4, 2022

    15:00 — 18:30Arrival of delegations and registration of participants in the hotels

    18:00Departure of the Troika members and the European Parliament delegation to the seat of the Senate

    19:00 — 19:30Departure of buses from the hotels to Rudolfinum

    18:30 — 19:30Meeting of the chairs of the Troika and the European Parliament – restricted meeting

    19:30 — 20:00Transfer of the Troika members from the Senate to Rudolfinum

    20:00 — 22:00Dinner (Rudolfinum)

    Welcome address
    Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

    22:00 — 22:30Departure of buses from Rudolfinum to the hotels

  • September 5, 2022

    7:30Departure of the members of the political groups from the hotels to the Prague Congress Centre

    8:00 — 8:45Meeting of the political groups

    8:15Departure from the hotels to the Prague Congress Centre

    9:00 — 9:30Welcome address

    Ms. Markéta Pekarová Adamová, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies

    Opening remarks

    Mr. Marek Ženíšek, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Chamber of Deputies
    Mr. Lubomír Metnar, Chairman of the Committee on Defence, Chamber of Deputies
    Mr. Pavel Fischer, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Committee, Senate
    Mr. David McAllister, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament

    9:30 — 11:00CFSP/CSDP priorities and current issues, with special emphasis on the EU’s Strategic Compass

    Keynote speaker:
    Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles – High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the European Commission /remote participation/

    Moderator: Mr. David McAllister, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament

    11:00 — 11:45Coffee break and family photo

    11:45 — 13:15Ukraine: modes of political support and reconstruction

    Keynote speakers:
    Mr. Jan Lipavský - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
    Mr. Oleksandr Merezhko - Chairman of the Foreign Policy and Inter-parliamentary Cooperation Committee, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
    Ms. Helena König - Deputy Secretary-General for Economic and Global Issues, European External Action Service

    Moderator: Mr. Marek Ženíšek, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Chamber of Deputies

    13:15 — 14:30Lunch

    14:30 — 16:00EU enlargement policy in the light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine – Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership: accelerated pre-accession support of the EU

    Keynote speakers:
    Mr. Maciej Popowski - Acting Director-General at the Directorate General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission
    Ms. Janina Hřebíčková - Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Montenegro
    Mr. Marcin Zaborowski – Policy Director, Future of Security Programme,

    Moderator: Mr. Pavel Fischer, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Committee, Senate

    16:00 — 16:30Coffee break

    16:30 — 18:00Disinformation and hybrid threats, cyber defence

    Keynote speakers:
    Ms. Nathalie Loiseau – Chair, Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European Parliament
    Mr. Karel Řehka - Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces
    Mr. Lutz Güllner - Head of the Strategic Communication, Task Forces and Information Analysis Division, European External Action Service

    Moderator: Mr. Lubomír Metnar, Chairman of the Committee on Defence, Chamber of Deputies

    18:00Closing remarks

    18:15Departure of delegations


All photos from the conference are available here:


Opening session of the “Troika” in the premises of the Senate of the Parliament (Sep 04, 2022):


Festive dinner of the conference participants in the historic Rudolfinum building (Sep 04, 2022):


Conference family photo:


Conference – Welcome address and opening remarks (Sep 5, 2022):


Conference – Session 1 (Sep 5, 2022):


Conference – Session 2 (Sep 5, 2022):


Conference – Session 3 (Sep 5, 2022):


Conference – Session 4 (Sep 5, 2022):


Video from the conference:

Welcome address

CFSP/CSDP priorities and current issues, with special emphasis on the EU’s Strategic Compass

Ukraine: modes of political support and reconstruction

EU enlargement policy in the light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine – Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership: accelerated pre-accession support of the EU

Disinformation and hybrid threats, cyber defence