The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JPSG on Europol) was established in 2017 by a decision of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments based on Art. 88 TFEU and the follow-up Art. 51 of the newly adopted Regulation (EU) No 2016/794 on the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol). Art. 88 TFEU provides that the European Parliament is to cooperate with national parliaments in monitoring the activity of Europol through a specialised group. Based on the above Regulation, the group carries out political monitoring of Europol’s activity in fulfilling its mission, including with regard to the impact of the activities on fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons. This reflects the specific position of national parliaments within the area of freedom, security and justice.
The group meets twice a year, alternately in the country holding the presidency and in the European Parliament in Brussels. Its activity is governed by the Rules of Procedure adopted at the second meeting in 2018 in Sofia. The JSPG meetings are public and the group makes decisions by consensus. The group can adopt conclusions on the result of its meeting, which are then forwarded by the European Parliament (EP) to the Council, the European Commission and Europol for information. The EP may send up to sixteen representatives to the group’s meeting, national parliaments may send four members (in the case of two-chamber parliaments this is a total for both chambers). Typically, these are representatives of committees for Union affairs or security.
The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol is chaired jointly by the EP and the parliament of the country holding the presidency.
October 24, 2022
15:00 — 15:45Troika meeting
15:45 — 16:00Adoption of the agenda and opening remarks
- Mr. Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR, Co-Chair of the JPSG and Head of the European Parliament Delegation to the JPSG
- Mr Martin ČERVÍČEK, Co-Chair of the JPSG
- Head of the Senate of the Czech Republic Delegation to the JPSG
- Mr Jaroslav BŽOCH, Co-Chair of the JPSG
- Head of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Delegation to the JPSG
- Feedback following Troika meeting
- Report by the JPSG Representatives to the Europol Management Board meeting16:00 — 17:30Reporting on Europol activities March - October 2022; Presentation of the Europol Draft Multiannual Programming Document 2023-2025 and reply to written contributions by delegations;
− Presentation by Ms Catherine DE BOLLE, Europol Executive Director;
− Followed by an exchange of views17:30 — 18:30Report by the European Data Protection Supervisor; Report by the Europol Management Board on activities March - October 2022 with a special focus on the functions listed in article 11 of the Europol Regulation (regulation (EU) 2016/794);
- Presentation by Mr. Jérôme BONET, Chair of the Europol Management Board
- Presentation by Mr. Thomas ZERDICK, Head of Unit Supervision and Enforcement, European Data Protection Supervisor
- Followed by an exchange of viewsReception / Dinner
October 25, 2022
9:00 — 9:30Implementation of the revised Europol Regulation (on matters related to the JPSG)
− Update from Co-Chairs
− Followed by an exchange of views9:30 — 10:00Members follow up on Written and Oral Questions, and other miscellaneous questions or requests
- Followed by an exchange of views with Europol
10:00 — 10:30Video messages:
− Mr. Vít RAKUŠAN, Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic
− Ms. Ylva JOHANSSON, European Commissioner for Home Affairs10:30 — 10:45Coffee Break
10:45 — 12:15The impact of the war in Ukraine on the area of security
− Presentation by Europol (name to be confirmed)
− Mr. Radek KAŇA, Deputy Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic
− Followed by an exchange of views12:15 — 12:30Closing remarks
Photos from the conference are available here:
- Oct 24, 2022: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu
- Oct 25, 2022: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu
Video from the conference:
Day 1 (Oct 24, 2022):
Day 2 (Oct 25, 2022):