The Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union (IPC-SECG) is a regular platform for cooperation between national parliaments and the European Parliament (EP), which was established by a decision of the Conference of the Speakers of EU Parliaments in 2013. This was based on Article 13 of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in Economic and Monetary Union (the so-called Fiscal Compact), according to which the EP and the national parliaments of the contractual parties shall jointly define “the organisation and support of a conference of representatives of the relevant committees of the EP and representatives of the relevant committees of the national parliaments to discuss budgetary policies and other matters covered by this Treaty.” This forum meets twice a year, with the meeting in the first half of the year being part of the ‘European Parliament Week’ organised by the EP in Brussels. The proceedings of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union (or “Article 13 Conference”) are governed by the Rules of Procedure adopted in Luxembourg in 2015, which stipulate that the Conference operates on the principle of consensus and, although no conclusions or contributions are adopted during the Conference, the Rules of Procedure do not preclude this.
The Conference serves as a forum for exchanging views and positions on priorities and strategies in the budgetary, economic and social fields with representatives of the Commission, the Council and other bodies. In terms of composition, the Rules of Procedure leave parliaments absolutely free to decide how many representatives they send and which committees they represent. Members of the European Affairs, Budget, Economic and Social Affairs Committees traditionally attend.
The Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union is chaired jointly by the chairmen of the relevant committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in close cooperation with the European Parliament.
October 9, 2022
14:00 — 19:00Arrival of delegations and registration of participants in the hotels
October 10, 2022
08:00 — 10:45Arrival of delegations and registration of participants in the hotels
10:45Departure from the hotels to the meeting of political groups
11:30 — 12:30Meeting of political groups
12:15Departure from the hotels to the conference venue
12:30 — 14:00Lunch
14:00 — 14:30Opening Session
Opening remarks:
Ms. Markéta Pekarová Adamová, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic
Mr. Josef Bernard, Chairperson of the Committee on the Budget, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic
Mr. Vladislav Vilímec, Chairperson of the Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
14:30 — 16:30Session 1: Recovery and Resilience Facility - National Recovery and Resilience Plans (current state of implementation and new challenges)
Chairing person:
Mr. Josef Bernard, Chairperson of the Committee on the Budget, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic
Part 1: Speakers:
Mr. Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, online presence
Ms. Maria Teresa Fabregas Fernandez, Director of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force, European Commission, online presence
Part 2: Speakers:
Mr. Marian Piecha, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry and Trade, section for EU funds and digital economy, Czech Republic
Mr. Jan Dusík, Deputy Minister in charge of Climate Protection Directorate, Ministry of the Environment, Czech Republic
Ms. Maria Teresa Fabregas Fernandez, Director of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force, European Commission, online presence
16:30Return to the hotels
18:00Departure from the hotels for the ceremonial meeting at Prague Castle
19:00 — 20:00Cultural programme - Cathedral of Saint Vitus
20:00 — 22:30Dinner – Spanish Hall, Prague Castle
October 11, 2022
08:15Departure from the hotels to the conference venue
09:00 — 10:30Session 2: Energy independence costs - the financing of energy and climate measures
Chairing person:
Mr. Ivan Adamec, Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic
Mr. Luděk Niedermayer, Vice-Chairperson of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), European ParliamentMr. Jozef Síkela, Minister of Industry and Trade, Czech Republic
Mr. Jaroslav Míl, Economic expert, former Director of ČEZ, former Government Commissioner for Nuclear Energy
10:30 — 11:00Coffee break
10:30 — 11:00Family photo
11:00 — 12:30Session 3: Strengthening Europe’s economic resilience - preparedness for future crises
Chairing person:
Mr. Vít Kaňkovský, Chairperson of the Committee on Social Policy, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic
Part 1: Speakers:
Mr. Mikołaj Dowgielewicz, Deputy Secretary General of the European Investment Bank
Ms. Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), European Parliament
Part 2: Speakers:
Mr. Marian Jurečka, Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs (TBC)
12:30 — 13:00Closing Session
Closing remarks:
Mr. Ivan Adamec, Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic
13:00 — 14:30Lunch
Departure of delegations
All photos from the conference are available here:
- Oct 10, 2022: https://www.flickr.com
- Oct 11, 2022: https://www.flickr.com
Conference – Welcome address and opening remarks (Oct 10, 2022):
Conference – Day 1 (Oct 10, 2022):
Cultural programme – Cathedral of Saint Vitus (Oct 10, 2022):
Dinner – Spanish Hall, Prague Castle (Oct 10, 2022):
Conference – Day 2, session 2 (Oct 11, 2022):
Conference – Day 2, session 3 (Oct 11, 2022):
Conference family photo:
Video from the conference:
Day 1 (Oct 10, 2022):
Day 2 (Oct 11, 2022):